A complete training for getting started in small apartments TODAY - with actual calls to sellers and agents. Learn how you can get started on the path to financial freedom through Small Apartments – part time with no cash, credit or experience.
What’s Included:
- 3 Day Small Apartments School Boot Camp (Virtual)
- 2 Tickets to Lance’s LIVE Small Apartments Boot Camp
- Red Light / Green Light Analysis Software
- Raising Private Money System
- 6-Months Hotline Support
- 6-Months Lance's Monthly Newsletter
- 6-Months Lance's Show & Tell Monthly Webinars
- 6-Months Network Membership (Buyers-Lenders)
- 6-Months Private Facebook Community
I receive both the physical and digital materials. My digital material is delivered TODAY!
The 3-Day Live Trainings are monthly at coast-to-coast locations or virtually. And my 2 tickets are good for 2 years from today. My Hotline Support (email or phone) is with Lance’s Deal Making Team and is good for 6 months from graduation.
Lance's revolutionary Red Light / Green Light Deal Analyzer Software makes deal analysis fifth-grade simple. Just adjust your purchase terms until you get a green light which indicates you have a Doable Deal at your maximum allowable offer! Make offers with confidence! I receive the software at the 3-Day Live Training where I'm taught how to use it.
Three Ways to Get My Money Back
1) My Money Back for My Story: When I buy or flip my own apartment deal within 180 days from my boot camp graduation, Lance will pay me my investment for the use of my success story.
2) Double My Money Back: When Lance buys one of my leads within 180 days from my boot camp graduation, he’ll pay me my investment, plus minimum $5,000 Finder’s Fee for each one (varies with deal size).
3) 3 Leads and It's FREE: When I send Lance 3 green light leads within 180 days from my boot camp graduation, he guarantees he’ll buy one or he’ll rebate my investment.
90 Day Try Before I Buy: I have a trial period of 90 days from today or the last day of the LIVE training (whichever is sooner). If I choose to cancel, I simply return the physical materials, iPad and software and receive a 100% refund of my purchase price. And I keep the digital training materials!
If you’re doing single family now and making some money, don’t stop. You can add small apartments to your single family business as another profit center – where you can wholesale them or buy-and-hold them. One difference - bigger paychecks!
If you're brand new, start with small apartments like Lance did and accelerate your path to financial freedom with much less competition.
Need more information? Contact us at 281-667-3638
Or click here for detailed information and payment options.